Go in the Dark 7″

I’ve had this 7″ compilation, Go in the Dark, in my collection since the mid 90s. Somehow, I came to the conclusion that everyone else must also be in possession of it, or at least dimly aware of its existence. However, although numerous indie/punk stars make an appearance, it never got wide distribution. So let me take this opportunity to present the record to you, digitally.
There are four bands featured:
Slant 6 – Myra Power on bass, Christina Billotte on guitar/vocals, James Canty and Marge Marshall on drums
Drinking Woman – Tara (Jane) O’Neil on bass, Heather Cantrell on vocals, Greta Richter on drums, Erica Bricking on guitar
Rastro! – Nikki Chapman on guitar, Jen Smith on guitar/vocals and Donna Dresch on drums
The Scissor Girls – Sue Anne (Zollinger) on guitar, Azita (Youssefi) on vocals and Heather (Melowic) on drums.
The record was released in 1992 on Christina Billotte’s record label Mira Records (named after her younger sister and future bandmate in Quix*o*tic). The women featured on this record would later go off to perform solo or as part of bands such as Team Dresch, The Quails and Lake of Dracula.

I remember playing this record at a friend’s house in Gaithersburg, MD. Beyond that, I don’t recall any specific anecdotes about it, but I do remember having a special fondness for the Slant 6 song it includes.
After reading this post, I searched through an old box in my room and found the record still sitting there. I’ve probably had it for about 15 years too.
Never heard of this comp, despite being a fan of many of the artists included. Thanks for posting.