Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains

In 1997 I had the fortune to meet a woman named Sarah Jacobson, an independent filmmaker, who at that time was touring the US promoting and screening her film “Mary Jane’s Not a Virgin Anymore.” I saw her again in 2001 at the Ladyfest in Chicago, the last time we would meet before her tragic passing in early 2004 of cancer. Not only did she inspire me with DIY attitude, tenacity and talent, Sarah also introduced me to a little lost gem of a film from 1981 called “Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains.” She carried a copy of it with her and screened it before her film whenever she got the chance.
Despite Sarah’s endorsement and a growing cult following, the film languished in obscurity – that is until recently, when Rhino re-released it on DVD in autumn 2008. Directed by Lou Adler (Up In Smoke) and produced by Joe Roth, the film stars Diane Lane and Laura Dern as members of The Stains, along with Steve Jones and Paul Cook of The Sex Pistols, Clash bassist Paul Simonon and Fee Waybill of the Tubes.
Surly and sexy in one of her earliest starring roles, a teenage Lane is the prototypical riot grrl. Sporting a skunk hairdo, she verbally assaults the audience and leads her legion of adoring young female fans in the chant, “We don’t put out!” Check out the clip below, depicting the band’s first gig ever, then go and see the entire film in full length. Join the professionals!